Aim for straight Cs
While aiming for straight Cs sounds like it might be a low bar if you are thinking about earning straight Cs on your school report card, the idea of aiming for straight Cs in this context is about achieving the six Cs of career ease and there is nothing mediocre about this goal.
Capacity is career fuel
It’s Monday and you have no idea how you're going to generate the energy to make it to Friday. The week ahead looks like a crazy reality show obstacle course where you are just one slick handhold away from falling off and into the mud pit.
There is no con in this confidence
Imposter syndrome may be hard to spot sometimes because it appears that confidence is present. However, the confidence in imposter syndrome isn’t real. It’s a decoy so that others don’t see the deep distress underneath.
Clarity for the win
Just like career frenemies “worry” and “calm”, “overwhelm” and “clarity” would never be described as besties. They just have a whole different outlook and approach.
You don’t have to keep calm, you can be calm
Career worry and career calm are not friendly neighbors. In fact, they don’t talk at all. Honestly, I think career worry is so busy and preoccupied that there just isn’t a spare moment for career calm.
Career contentment is peace
There is quite a contrast between career dread and career contentment. In the context of your career, dread is a death to hope, a death to optimism and a death to your dreams.
You can certainly use some career certainty
What could you do with some career certainty in your life? What might it feel like to replace anxiety with certainty?
Move from career dis(ease) to career ease
It’s almost summertime when thoughts turn to sun-filled days of kicking back and taking it easy. This is a season when the packed schedules give way to a certain sense of relaxation and ease.
The not-so-dynamic duo of imposter syndrome and burnout
You’ve had a long history of success in your career so this feeling of being an imposter is particularly baffling, not to mention frustrating and frightening.
Career worry and overwhelm are robbing you!
Worry is a tricky character. It can trick us into feeling like we are doing something to address our underlying career problems - as if the act of worry itself is going to magically make the problems go away.
Get rid of the career anxiety and dread before they kill you
If you search for the term “Sunday Scaries” you are likely to find many references that utilize the words “anxiety” and “dread” to establish the common feelings associated with the Sunday Scaries.
We all deserve career ease
It’s quite reasonable to want to look forward to the start of each work week with happy anticipation. We all deserve to have clarity, ease, and confidence in our careers.