There is no con in this confidence
Imposter syndrome may be hard to spot sometimes because it appears that confidence is present. However, the confidence in imposter syndrome isn’t real. It’s a decoy so that others don’t see the deep distress underneath.
For instance, your fear of being found out is keeping you from taking a day off, let alone a full vacation. You need to be vigilant and present so that if anyone is going to ask a question or criticize your work you can be there for damage control. It seems like it’s just a matter of time before it all comes crashing down. You’ve had a long history of success in your career so this feeling of being an imposter is particularly baffling, not to mention frustrating and frightening. Your sense of confidence in your abilities is close to zero. You feel like a fraud on the inside, while you spend an exhausting amount of effort in keeping up the successful external appearance.
Now, contrast this with a state of career ease where imposter syndrome is replaced with confidence. Instead of doubting yourself, you can recognize that this is just a cognitive distortion that causes you to judge yourself and undervalue the power of your contributions to your success. With career confidence, instead of setting unrealistic expectations and then confirming your suspicions when you can’t meet them, you have the perspective to know that you and your work are enough. What you set your mind to, you can do. With career confidence you can take a day off, you can take a week off, heck, why not take a month?! Your good work will represent you while you are away.
While it may feel that it is quite a leap to jump from career dis(ease) to career ease, it is definitely achievable. In fact, for your state of health and the absence of dis(ease), it is a must.
Want a jump start? Schedule a free career strategy session with me: