You can certainly use some career certainty
What could you do with some career certainty in your life? What might it feel like to replace anxiety with certainty?
Let’s take a little peek at how having career certainty might show up within your day-to-day career experience. For one thing, certainty suggests a calm knowing. So, this looks like having no sense of self-doubt about the quality of your work, voicing your opinions, and being respected for your point of view. Think about the project team meeting where you have been hesitant to share. That’s a thing of the past. Now, with career certainty, you feel confident about what and why you are contributing to the discussion. Or, consider the concerns and rethinking you have had about the project status report you are drafting. No more worries. You know you have made excellent contributions to move the project forward.
When I think about the concept of certainty, I get a picture of a water-resistant rain jacket. I’m talking about that jacket from REI where when your sleeve gets hit by a splash from a fountain or you are caught in a storm, the water just beads up on the surface and drips off without ever penetrating the fabric. So, think about career certainty as that weather-resistant jacket. Whether you get lightly splashed or are caught in an outright downpour, your certainty protects you from the effects. Instead of getting soaked in anxiety, your certainty keeps you nice and dry and moving forward.
While it may feel that it is quite a chasm to move from career dis(ease) to career ease, it is definitely achievable. In fact, for your state of health and the absence of dis(ease), it is a must.
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