Aim for straight Cs

While aiming for straight Cs sounds like it might be a low bar if you are thinking about earning straight Cs on your school report card, the idea of aiming for straight Cs in this context is about achieving the six Cs of career ease and there is nothing mediocre about this goal. If you achieve this set of straight Cs you will be enjoying a 4.0 on your career ease report card.

The symptoms of career dis(ease) can be described with words like anxiety, dread, worry, overwhelm, imposter syndrome, and burnout. Like an actual disease, these symptoms are not something one would want to aspire to and can drain the life from your career. Sometimes these symptoms appear in mass overnight and sometimes they creep in slowly and silently over days, months and years. No matter how they arrive, they are something that should not be ignored as they do not tend to cure themselves. A change of some sort is required.

On the other hand, the symptoms of career ease can be described with a lovely set of words, starting with the letter C. They include certainty, contentment, calm, clarity, confidence, and capacity. Unlike the negative symptoms of career dis(ease) these career ease symptoms tend to fill and fuel rather than drain and exhaust. Do they appear quickly and in mass to transform a career? Maybe. Generally, though, the symptoms of career ease are a reflection of dedicated time and effort to digging into understanding the unique set of preferences each of us has around the environments we work best in, the skills, experiences, and behaviors we bring to the work and the values we hold most dearly. It’s not a light effort to achieve career ease, but it is well worth it.

While it may feel that it is quite a leap to jump from career dis(ease) to career ease, it is definitely achievable. In fact, for your state of health and the absence of dis(ease), it is a must.

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Pause for the freight train


Capacity is career fuel