Move from career dis(ease) to career ease
It’s almost summertime when thoughts turn to sun-filled days of kicking back and taking it easy. This is a season when the packed schedules give way to a certain sense of relaxation and ease. Wouldn’t it be nice to have this thinking also apply to our careers? What would it look like to move from career dis(ease) to a lovely sense of career ease?
Over the next series of posts, I will be taking a closer look at transitioning from six symptoms of career dis(ease) (anxiety, dread, worry, overwhelm, imposter syndrome, and burnout) to six symptoms of career ease (certainty, contentment, calm, clarity, confidence, and capacity).
Merriam-Webster defines the word ease as “the state of being comfortable: such as freedom from pain or discomfort, freedom from care, freedom from labor or difficulty, freedom from embarrassment or constraint: naturalness, known for charm and ease of manner, an easy fit”. Synonyms of “ease” include “relaxation” and “restfulness”. Meanwhile, the word disease is defined as “an abnormal bodily condition of a living plant or animal that interferes with functioning and can usually be recognized by signs and symptoms”. Synonyms of “disease” includes “disorder” and “trouble”.
Within the context of a career, these definitions continue to make sense. When we are in a state of career dis(ease), we feel this overarching sense of disorder and trouble. This sense interferes with our normal career functioning and is recognized by signs and symptoms such as anxiety, dread, worry, overwhelm, imposter syndrome, and burnout. In comparison, a sense of career ease delivers a state of being comfortable, naturalness, and easy fit. It is much easier to feel restful and relaxed when we have career ease with signs and symptoms such as certainty, contentment, calm, clarity, confidence, and capacity.
While it may feel that it is quite a chasm to move from career dis(ease) to career ease, it is definitely achievable. In fact, for your state of health (and this time I really do mean the absence of disease) it is a must.
Want a jump start? Schedule a free career strategy session with me: