Career contentment is peace

There is quite a contrast between career dread and career contentment. In the context of your career, dread is a death to hope, a death to optimism and a death to your dreams. It shows up as an overwhelming and nagging feeling of impending doom and it drains your energy tank. Meanwhile, contentment is a state of career ease that feels like peace. This is the kind of peace that charges you up and gives you the energy and drive to tackle challenging but rewarding work.

So how might career contentment look within your day-to-day career experience? Well, it might show up as an absence of the constant buzz of needing to push, push, push. It might mean that you can feel satisfied with putting in a solid effort, knowing that you have done good work. Instead of the nitpicking voice in your head telling you that your work is never going to be good enough, you can relax knowing that while it may not be perfect, it is good. It might mean that you think about mistakes differently. Instead of fearing the irreparable repercussions that will befall you if you forget to dot an “i” or cross a “t”, you look at mistakes as the growth and learning experiences they are, not as punishable events.

If career certainty is a water-resistant rain jacket, then career contentment is a warm blanket (or a cool fan, depending on your weather). It insulates you from the discomfort of the elements. There may be a whole lot of “weather” in your office environment, but you don’t need to worry because you are snug, confident, and calm. It doesn’t mean you are sitting back and not getting things done. Of course not. Instead, because you have the shield of contentment, you can attend to bringing your best self to the things that really matter.

While it may feel that it is quite a chasm to move from career dis(ease) to career ease, it is definitely achievable. In fact, for your state of health and the absence of dis(ease), it is a must.

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You don’t have to keep calm, you can be calm


You can certainly use some career certainty