You don’t have to keep calm, you can be calm
Career worry and career calm are not friendly neighbors. In fact, they don’t talk at all. Honestly, I think career worry is so busy and preoccupied that there just isn’t a spare moment for career calm.
Worry is tricky. It can trick us into feeling like we are doing something productive to address the underlying problems - as if the act of worry itself is going to magically make the problems go away. But it won’t and it can’t. If you think about it, spending more time worrying is not going to make it easier to find a solution. All of the focus of worry is devoted to the replaying of the problems over and over without ever moving to the solutions. Worry takes a lot of energy and leaves us feeling exhausted, tired, and ineffective. Worse, worry can spiral from briefly hijacking our thinking to becoming a full-time focus.
There is no worry in calm. Calm gives you space and time to think and plan and show up as your most creative self. Calm allows your most authentic self into your career in a way that feels true and almost effortless. So, no matter what surprises may occur, you can handle them. If career certainty is a water-resistant rain jacket, and career contentment is a warm blanket (or a cool fan, depending on your weather), then career calm is a flotation device. It wraps around you and buoys you through the calm waters and the rough seas. You have absolute certainty that you are not going to sink when you have career calm. You don’t want to leave home without it.
While it may feel that it is quite a leap to jump from career dis(ease) to career ease, it is definitely achievable. In fact, for your state of health and the absence of dis(ease), it is a must.
Want a jump start? Schedule a free career strategy session with me: