Capacity is career fuel
It’s Monday and you have no idea how you're going to generate the energy to make it to Friday. The week ahead looks like a crazy reality show obstacle course where you are just one slick handhold away from falling off and into the mud pit. And, when you get to Friday you are staring down another weekend of work, trying to catch up just enough to do it all again next week.
When you are in a state of burnout, it is draining all of the gas in your tank. Burnout comes with mental, emotional, and physical symptoms. You may feel exhausted, demotivated, and unable to concentrate. You have no capacity for the current load, let alone the capacity to take on anything new.
It is a completely different story when you contrast this with a state of career ease where burnout is replaced with capacity. You have all you need. You have more than enough. You have the energy and drive to accomplish what is required and some leftover drive to take on new, interesting, and career-enhancing projects. No more spinning of your wheels over and over. Instead, you have the space and the gas in your tank to get it done. Hello, much-needed and well-deserved relaxing weekend!
While it may feel that it is quite a leap to jump from career dis(ease) to career ease, it is definitely achievable. In fact, for your state of health and the absence of dis(ease), it is a must.
Want a jump start? Schedule a free career strategy session: